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What is the difference between RTT & Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is therapy while under hypnosis. Whereas RTT uses Hypnosis & Regression to find the root cause of your issue. When under hypnosis, the sub-conscious mind is accessed which allows negative self-beliefs to be upgraded with positive suggestions

What is regression?

Regression is when you are taken back to a scene from your past. This is an invaluable tool to help discover what caused you to have your issue. 

What if I cannot be hypnotised?

Everyone has the ability to be hypnotised but you have to be a willing participant

What if something comes up during regression that I do not want to reveal?

It is entirely up to you whether you want to reveal what surfaces during regression & you will never be forced to reveal anything as you are always in control throughout the session.

How many sessions will I need?

Usually the desired results are accomplished in a couple of sessions, but depending on how deep the layers are & how complex your issue is, it can take up to three sessions.

When will I notice any change after my session?

There are 3 different types of change you will experience after your session;

Immediate - You will notice a change straight away

Cumulative - You will notice little shifts every other day

RetroActive - You don't notice anything for a little while but then you will suddenly realise you don't have that issue anymore

What if a traumatic scene comes up during regression?

If anything unpleasant or triggering comes up during regression, it is important to remember that you can never 're-live' that scene ever again. It has already happened & you will just 'review' it instead.

Will my session be kept confidential?

Of course! I will only contact your Doctor or other practitioners with your permission. There may be times when I am required by law to disclose & share information without client consent.

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